Jonathon Mooney on ADHD reframed

Intrinsic drivers – autonomy, mastery and purpose

A great talk by Jonathan Mooney about the madness in education that focuses on the wrong skills, marks for writing skills but none for speaking. Often ADHD people are far more eloquent than the norm yet speaking carries no marks even though it is a far better indicator of success. Jonathan is funny and very astute in pointing out the serious problems with education that hinder different kids.
ADHD Coach, Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an ADHD Coach, writer and founder of SimplyWellbeing. He has over 15,000 hours and 18 years of experience in coaching over 500 ADHD executives, ADHD business professionals and ADHD creatives. Andrew ran a major ADHD support group and an ADHD diagnostic clinic for a while. He is an ADHD specialist backed with business expertise from a twenty years career in software, from roles in programming, through marketing, sales and to running a few software start-ups. His ADHD insight is personal, with decades understanding his own ADHD experience and in bringing up his ADHD daughter. He has published his writing primarily via this website, with interactive ADHD courses in development.


ADHD at work
If we are ADHD we are at great risk of addiction, and it's not surprising
ADHD at work
Adults with ADHD are six times more likely to start their own business
ADHD at work
Deep yet uncontrolled focus
ADHD at work
Homo sapiens time lines extend back 400,000 years, intertwined with Neanderthals
ADHD at work
Here is a video giving my more integrated, experienced based perspective of ADHD
ADHD at work
Spending time with someone with ADHD in planning, in breaking tasks down, in being a buddy can really help
ADHD at work
An energetic and insightful TEDx talk from an ADHD entrepreneur.
ADHD at work
Ken Robinson speaks on the need to modernise education, particularly hostile to ADHD students
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