How to Reach and Teach Children with ADHD – Sandra Rief

Book review

Avery impressive and serious guide to ADHD in education

In “How to Reach and Teach Children with ADD/ADHD : Practical Techniques, Strategies and Interventions”, Sandra Rief has produced a major resource for teachers, school professionals, parents and clinicians to help children with ADHD succeed in school, home and life. And it’s both the largest and heaviest book on ADHD that I own!

It has many real-life case studies, interviews, and student intervention plans and contains best teaching practices and countless strategies for enhancing classroom performance. A truly great resource with proven suggestions for engaging attention, keeping students on-task, preventing behavioural problems, differentiating learning styles and building partnerships with parents.

The book is grounded in the latest science of ADHD and filled with exceptionally detailed hands-on advice. Rief has written a very well organized and readable (though massive) book with kind, wise and practical advice to help ADHD students reach their full potential.

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ADHD Coach, Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an ADHD Coach, writer and founder of SimplyWellbeing. He has over ten thousand hours and fifteen years of experience in coaching ADHD executives, business professionals and creatives. His expertise with ADHD is personal, with decades of his own experience, bringing up an ADHD child, running a large support group and in coaching clients often for years He has published his writing via this website and has ADHD online courses in development. His business expertise comes from a twenty years career in software, from programming, through marketing, sales and running a few start-ups.

Further reading

ADHD at work
Many teachers enforce a no fiddle or fidget rule, yet these activities actually improve focus
ADHD at work
The original, the brilliant book that kicked off the new field of positive psychology, the study of happiness
ADHD at work
Great book by a fellow ADHD coach with some very practical strategies
ADHD at work
Much of the advice reads as if written for ADHD adults, but then it probably was written for ADDicts
ADHD at work
One of my favourite ADHD kid books, very readable and insightful suggestions and advice
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