Getting Rid of Ritalin – Hill & Castro

Book review

Ignore the Ritalin part, fascinating guide to neuro-feedback

The book subtitle is the interesting part: “How Neurofeedback Can Successfully Treat ADD without Drugs”, as I don’t subscribe to Drs Hill and Castro’s premise that Ritalin and stimulants are addictive, dangerous and should not be used help ADHD children.

The interesting discussion is on EEG Biofeedback/Neurofeedback, dietary management, chemicals/toxin avoidance and allergy treatment. Neurofeedback continues to tantalise with prospects of drug-free long term cure or at least change but the unfortunate truth is that still little conclusive studies exist and the treatment is often prolonged and expensive. Since the book was published new brain-stimulation products that send an electrical change into the brain and frontal lobes to stimulate activity have arrived and are offering new advances.

There is discussion on how diet can have a profound effect on behaviour and ADHD. Hill and Castor explain how allergies affect mood and deficiencies can impact focus and attention too. Overall this thorough book offers sound advice on the healthy ways to manage ADHD, from behavioural modification to diet.

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ADHD Coach, Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an ADHD Coach, writer and founder of SimplyWellbeing. He has over ten thousand hours and fifteen years of experience in coaching ADHD executives, business professionals and creatives. His expertise with ADHD is personal, with decades of his own experience, bringing up an ADHD child, running a large support group and in coaching clients often for years He has published his writing via this website and has ADHD online courses in development. His business expertise comes from a twenty years career in software, from programming, through marketing, sales and running a few start-ups.

Further reading

ADHD at work
Hallowell's (author of Driven to Distraction) very effective and warm guide to parenting ADHD
ADHD at work
A major resource for teachers, school professionals, parents and clinicians to help children with ADHD
ADHD at work
Some very ADHD-like advice in this awesome short book Mark Forster offers advice on time management that is amazingly tuned to the traits of ADHD. It seems that Forster does not realise that many of the people with the disorganised issues he mentions are most likely ADHD – struggling with weak executive functions of poor motivation, […]
ADHD at work
Excellent advice for taking action. Very relevant indeed as procrastination is #1 issue for ADHD adults
ADHD at work
With alarmingly increasing rates of depression in the World and SSRIs poor results, better to seek a cause than manage the symptoms
ADHD at work
A mainly unbiased look at the problems from a mixed ADHD/non-ADHD marriage
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