Stomach calming – Saccharomyces Boulardii

Western medicine is only just waking up to the realisation that stomach bacteria and yeasts (like Candida) have a major detrimental impact on our health, with recent links to depression, Autism, Alzheimer’s and obesity. ADHD may well be implicated too. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is poorly understood and medical solutions are often ineffective for sufferers. Increasingly links show that many stomach issues link to the wrong micro-organisms in our gut’s micro-biome.

Each micro-biome is unique and partly inherited

There are thousands of varieties and species of micro-organism in each person, sometimes quite different types and strains between any two people, though some strains are common or run in families. Early work in transplanting faecal matter, from one person to another (yuck then, but now it’s freeze dried in pills), brought remarkable cures for some truly chronic sufferers and the process is now becoming mainstream and high-tech, thank goodness.

We have been ignoring a significant part of our wellbeing, our symbiotic micro-flora, friendly bacteria, yeasts and viruses part of many vital human nano-processes inside and outside our bodies. There are more foreign cells (of bacteria, viruses and yeasts) in our bodies than human cells, they’re just a lot smaller so invisible to our eyes.

This particular strain, Saccharomyces Boulardii really helps me! It is known as a pro-biotic but is actually a yeast. It is short lived in the gut but it can make a great difference for a variety of gut problems. More than any other, it has a serious calming effect and is recommended for holidays abroad to protect against foreign organisms!

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